Jewish War Veterans Post 757 Raises Flag in Honor of Veterans Day | Shalom Austin

Jewish War Veterans Post 757 Raises Flag in Honor of Veterans Day

Community News, The Jewish Outlook

Nov 23, 2020

Veterans Day, Nov. 11, 2020, began with a perfect fall morning, enabling a light breeze to unfurl the stars and stripes on the United States flag, just above the Texas and Israeli flags, atop the three flagpoles at the Dell Jewish Community Campus.

The Jewish War Veterans of the United States Post 757 Color Guard, commander, chaplain and guests gathered in person for the first time since COVID-19 struck. JWV’s duty is to honor all veterans around the world for their loyalty, service and dedication to duty.

The Color Guard was anchored by announcer Mike London; bugler Gregg Philipson; Alana Pompa and Bob Kaplan, who held and raised the flags; and rifleman Chuck Mandlebaum. Credit: Dave Hawks.

The Color Guard was anchored by announcer Mike London; bugler Gregg Philipson; Alana Pompa and Bob Kaplan, who held and raised the flags; and rifleman Chuck Mandlebaum. Rabbi Dan Millner delivered the blessing, and Commander Charlie Rosenblum offered the closing remarks.

Attending the meaningful event were Post 757 members Mike Baum, Hal Jacobs and Allen Lieberman. It was heart-warming to see a class of very young children of the Austin Jewish Academy, all sitting quietly, taking it all in behind their little masks. Kudos to the teachers for their magic in keeping all in perfect order.

Supportive spouses included Jan Barnett, Sigrid Baum, Nora Lieberman and Michelle Warech-Philipson, who also were in attendance.

Rosenblum thanked all who attended and the Shalom Austin staff members who helped make the event happen, including Wendy Goodman and her all-star staff. His thanks, on behalf of JWV Post 757, also extended to Jay Janner of the Austin-American Statesman for covering the event in print and photos. ■

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