Jewish Culture & Education | Shalom Austin



For Jewish Culture & Education

The Education Hub for the Jewish Community

The Bernard & Audre Rapoport Center for Jewish Culture & Education is the education hub for the Jewish community in Austin and Central Texas. We provide Jewish learning and engagement opportunities, leadership training and community holiday offerings through community-wide and affinity programming, classes, training, events, activities and other offerings throughout the year.

Meet the Team:

  • Rachel Stern, Chief Strategy & Impact Officer
  • Dana Baruch, Zeifman Family Early Childhood Program (ECP) Director
  • Robyn Burch, Rapoport Center Administrative Assistant
  • Alachua Haskins, Learning & Engagement Director
  • Jessica Ochs, Senior Youth & Teen Director
  • Michal Ilai, Senior Israel Educator
  • Emily Bourgeois, Director of Public Affairs

Adult Jewish Learning (AJL)

Series of high-quality Jewish learning opportunities that provide a cohort experience to individuals of all backgrounds and beliefs. Choose the best learning opportunity for you based on topic, instructor and time.

Leadership Development

Shalom Austin is inspiring the next generation of leaders in the Jewish community with J-Lead and Yesod. These professional development courses will give you the tools you need to succeed.
Group Hands Together Team Leadership 2

Affinity Groups

Whether you’re single or a new parent, looking to network or learn something new, Shalom Austin has an affinity group for you. Find your community within the local Jewish community.

Connect to Israel and Overseas

Shalom Austin strengthens the global Jewish community through ongoing educational, humanitarian and community building activities through our partnerships overseas. The Annual Campaign helps support Jewish life and those most vulnerable in the global Jewish community.

Travel With Us

Travel experiences to Israel and other overseas Jewish communities serve to strengthen Jewish identity, build Jewish community, and grow Jewish philanthropy. In exploring the world together, we create community amongst ourselves in Austin and with Jewish people everywhere.

More Adult Education

Learn about other adult Jewish education programs in Austin offered by our community partners, including Hebrew, Prayer & Spirituality, Text & Torah Study and much more.

Alachua Haskins

Alachua Haskins

Learning and Engagement Director