The Bernard and Audre Rapoport Center provides Jewish education, engagement and experiences
for all ages and stages of Jewish life.
For Young Leaders
(Ages 25-40)
J-Lead is a series of eight workshops over the course of four months designed to foster the development of Austin’s Jewish young leaders (25-40). If you are a Jewish young adult looking to begin or expand your leadership development journey, we invite you to apply!
The next J-Lead program will be in Spring 2025.
J-Lead is generously sponsored by the Curt C. & Else Silberman Foundation.
In lieu of a program fee, participants are asked to make a minimum gift of $180 to the Shalom Austin Annual Campaign.
Program Facilitators:
Alachua Haskins MJEd | Learning & Engagement Director
Through J-Lead You Will ...
- Learn from Jewish professionals and volunteer leaders serving at a variety of Austin Jewish organizations.
- Explore and gain a deeper understanding of the organizations that make up the Jewish Austin landscape, the Jewish nonprofit world, and world Jewry.
- Engage with a thought-provoking and practical curriculum, framed by Jewish values, that includes topics such as: Leadership 101, Judaism & Tzedakah, and Inclusion.
- Be able to apply for a microgrant at the conclusion of the semester to create a program for the Austin Jewish community.
- Build a cohort of like-minded young adults with whom to chart your leadership course.
For Jewish Communal Leaders
Yesod, Hebrew for “foundation,” is a collaboration between The Mandel Center for Leadership Excellence at the Jewish Federation of North America and the Florence Melton School of Adult Jewish Learning.
- Innovative program to build a pipeline of excellent volunteer leadership through hands-on training and leadership skill development, framed and inspired by Jewish texts.
- Designed for individuals with leadership experience who are currently serving in Jewish communal leadership roles and who have the capacity and desire to serve in senior leadership roles.
- Thought-provoking and practical curriculum includes topics such as: Your Personal Journey to Leadership, Nurturing Vision, and Inspired Communication.
Program Facilitators:
Rachel Stern MAJE/MAJCS | Chief Strategy & Impact Office
The next Yesod program will be in Spring 2026.
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