HFLA Responds to the Needs in Ukraine by Expediating Interest-free Loans for Austin-area Community | Shalom Austin

HFLA Responds to the Needs in Ukraine by Expediating Interest-free Loans for Austin-area Community

Community News, International News, The Jewish Outlook

Mar 16, 2022

Photo courtesy of HFLA

Hebrew Free Loan Austin (HFLA), a partner of Shalom Austin, recently announced it is offering interest-free loans to those in the Austin Jewish community who have family or friends in Ukraine in need of financial assistance. “HFLA mours the the tragic loss of life and pray for the safety and well-being of all the people of Ukraine,” said HFLA Chair Barbara Cramer. “In an emergency response effort, HFLA is streamlining interest-free loan applications from the Jewish community.”

HFLA is an Austin Jewish community resource that can aid in immediate financial support. HFLA has loans of up to $10,000 with 0% interest and no fees. 

Click here for more information or contact info@hfla.org.

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