Donor Advised Funds: The Gift That Keeps on Giving

Jewish Foundation, The Jewish Outlook

Aug 30, 2022

By Lisa Apfelberg and Sandy Dochen 

It’s September, a time for inward reflection during the High Holy Days. It’s also a time to reflect on the calendar year, what’s been accomplished and what can still get done before the end of the year. Many start to think about personal finances as the year is drawing to a close. If people are fortunate, they make sure they’re “giving back” in a way that feels right to them. 

Some years are better than others, financially. That’s how the business cycle works. Certainly, the stock market this year hasn’t been one for the record books. And, yet… 

Rain or shine, financially, many maintain a focused priority on philanthropy, from annual pledges to Shalom Austin to other priorities that help non-profit organizations in the community. When planning end of year philanthropic decisions, a vehicle like the Shalom Austin Jewish Foundation can help moderate the ups and downs of financial markets and this comes in the form of a donor advised fund (DAF). 

A DAF is a tool that enables one’s management of giving all in one place, like a personal philanthropic account that can be opened with a minimum of $5,000. A DAF allows the fundholder to make a charitable contribution to that fund upfront, receive the associated tax benefits immediately, and then make grants from the fund to one’s favorite non-profit organizations when the timing is right. 

One common example of how someone would utilize the benefits of a DAF is when they need to manage a large sum of money they recently gained. While they know they want to donate some of the money, they don’t want to do so all at once. A DAF enables them to donate the money into an account that is used year-round to make charitable contributions. 

“People can allocate any amount over $100 at any time to their favorite non-profit over many years,” said Amy Hyman, senior development director at Shalom Austin. “And with their philanthropic account, they get to determine the amount and timing of their gifts to non-profit organizations.” 

Other benefits of this type of asset management include pre-tax deductions, and the account is managed professionally through a mix of growth and income funds. “I love that I get to keep up with my donations much more easily and conveniently now that I have a Shalom Austin Jewish Foundation DAF,” said Joel Granoff, fundholder and new foundation committee member. “My funds are safe, access to managing my account is secure and every gift I make, to any organization, benefits our community-building work at Shalom Austin!” 

To learn more about donor advised funds, contact Shalom Austin Senior Development Director Amy Hyman at (512) 735-8078 or [email protected]. 

SAJF Parlor Meetings

Current Donor Advised Fund Holders Include: 

Anne Alexander & David Kessler Family Fund 

Arthur and Barbara Altman Philanthropic Fund 

Lisa Apfelberg and Eric Greisdorf Family Fund 

Baker/Rapoport Fund 

Brittman Family Fund 

Jill Bowser and Sylvia Chao Fund 

Alan and Holly Cohen Family Fund 

Beth & Erik Cohen Family Fund 

CMC Foundation Fund (Liz & Michael Solka) 

Nicole and Iser Cukierman Family Fund 

Robin & Marty Davis Family Fund 

Dochen Family Fund 

Einhorn Lieberman DF Fun Fund 

Finkelman Family Fund 

J. Steven and Amy B. Fintel Fund 

David and Pamela Frager Family Fund 

Sandra and Buddy Freed Family Fund 

Freedman Family Fund 

Edward & Cindy Fudman Family Fund 

Failla Hoffman Family Fund 

Friedel Family Fund 

Goldblatt Fund 

Candy & David Goldstein Family Fund 

Goodman Family Fund 

Joel Granoff Family Fund 

Valerie Granoff Family Fund 

Don Grefe & Janice Pierce Charitable Fund 

Gremont Family Foundation Fund 

Happy Life Fund (Marci Dell) 

Lauren and Seth Halpern Fund 

Angie and Brad Harrison Family Fund 

Amy Hyman & Gerry Reyelts Family Fund 

Justice, Justice You Shall Pursue 

Andrea and Walter Kalmans Family Fund 

Kaufman Family Charitable Fund 

Dealey/Kentor Family Fund 

Kerman Charitable Foundation 

KJD Charitable Fund 

Lynn and Lenny Krasnow Family Fund 

Rochelle & Dan Kraus Family Fund 

Fabianna and Ron Laby Fund 

Ladd Family Charitable Fund 

Lain Family Fund 

Leon & Laraine Lasdon Family Fund 

Leone Lain Philanthropic Fund 

Lengsfield Family Fund 

Sigrid Levi-Baum and Michael Baum Family Fund 

Jessica & Joel Levine Family Fund 

Cynthia and Sanford Levinson Fund 

Lori and Joshua Levy Family Fund 

Melanie Carol Lewis Fund 

Phil and Adam Loewy Fund 

LSKT Fund 

Marcus-Hill Family Fund 

Arlene & Lawrence Maze Family Fund 

Jill & Paul May Family Fund 

Frances and Adam Meltzer Family Fund 

Steven and Lauren Meyers Family Fund 

Meyou Fund (Carole & Kerry Price) 

F.A. & Maury Midlo Fund 

Miller Family Fund 

MMR Fund 

Wade & Sally Monroe Family Fund 

MOSHANA Family Fund 

Lindsay and Jordan Neuren Family Fund 

Marcia Nieder and Ira Leichtman Family Fund 

Jeff and Val Newberg Family Fund 

Keri Pearlson Charitable Fund 

Elana and Andy Priesman Family Fund 

Charles & Diane Radin Fund 

Resnik Family Fund 

Rachel & Alexander Robinson Family Fund 

Marianne and Martin Rochelle Fund 

Elyse and Rick Rosenberg Family Fund 

Adam Sadovsky, Realtor Charitable Fund 

Salmanson Family Fund Sansom Family Fund 

Jeri & Paul Saper Family Fund 

Schocket Family Fund 

Lisa and Will Shapiro Family Fund 

Karen Siegel & Ted Toth Family Fund 

Marcia and Barry Silverberg Fund 

Solka Family Fund 

Joe & Fai Lee Steinberg 

Susswein Family Fund 

*Julie Van Keer Family Fund 

Mark and Sharyn Vane Family Fund 

Liz and Todd Waldman Family Fund 

Stuart and Elisabeth Wallock Fund 

The Terry and Steve Fund 

Torah U-Mada Fund 

Webberman Family Fund 

Winer Charitable Fund 

Susan E. Zane Family Fund 

Keith and Linda Zimmerman Philanthropic Fund 

Zimmerman/Scott Family Fund 

Anonymous (2) 

As of 8/15/22 

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