Jewish Learning and Senior Services Expands in Sun City | Shalom Austin

Jewish Learning and Senior Services Expands in Sun City

The Jewish Outlook

Nov 30, 2022

From left to right: David Klein, Rachel Stern, LaDina Epstein. Courtesy: Rachel Stern

By Rachel Stern

In August 2022, the Bernard & Audre Rapoport Center for Jewish Culture & Education began offering a series of classes to the community of Sun City, located in Georgetown, Texas. Sun City is an active living community for residents ages 55 years and older. The community has grown dramatically since its opening in 1996 and now is home to over 15,000 residents. There are groups for every hobby and interest, including the Jewish group, Congregation Chavurah Shalom.

Congregation Chavurah Shalom has nearly 300 families and is led by President Jack Lester. The Chavurah is a caring and committed community group which comes together regularly for worship, cultural and social programming, and education sessions both in person and virtual. They attend Shalom Austin’s Adult 60+ holiday lunches and are already in talks with the Rapoport team planning an education series for next year. They welcomed the opportunity for experiences to come to them.

At the same time as the Rapoport Center planned to expand its offerings and support to communities within the Greater Austin area, Shalom Austin Jewish Family Service was also expanding its senior services to include case management, support groups, and even nurse advocacy services. Recognizing the tremendous impact these Jewish learning offerings and senior services would have on the Sun City community, the Rapoport Center and JFS combined efforts. The result of this collaboration has been a meaningful and memorable year of learning and relationship-building.


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