National Council of Jewish Women Austin Completes a Successful Year  | Shalom Austin

National Council of Jewish Women Austin Completes a Successful Year 

The Jewish Outlook

Jun 29, 2023

NCJW leaders at the spring leader installation (not all shown) From left to right: Nancy Wolf, Lynne Gellman, Bettie Forman, Beth Payan, Ellen Sable, Courtney Newmark, Paula Friedman, Barbara Laudenheimer, Marsha Steinback, Lea Isgur, Ann Kocher, Linda Levy, Merle Dover, Susan Meyer, Nanci Kahn, Joni Rothenberg, Elyse Rosenberg, Suzanne Porch. Not shown are Suzanne Newberg, Patti Tauber, Andrea Hochfield, Bobbi Saulmon, Amy Webberman, Melisa Markman, Marty Henderson, Cyril Miller. Credit: Bettie Forman.

By Bettie Forman

National Council of Jewish Women Austin completed another successful year of programming, advocacy and community service with it’s leadership team installation, featuring special guest Kim Lindauer who discussed her journey as an entrepreneur turned business coach, as well as her experience as a mother and member of the Austin Jewish community. Other events in 2023 included a lunch and learn with the Environmental Justice Fund discussing climate justice and a luncheon in January featuring Jackie Nirenberg, regional director of the Anti-Defamation League for Austin.

NCJW Austin also participated in Texas NCJW Day On The Hill where they visited Texas legislators to advocate for progressive issues such as abortion, women’s health care and voting rights. They also held an interfaith panel on expanding abortion rights, with clergy from across the area including Rabbi Kelly Levy of Congregation Beth Israel.

Other programming this year focused on voting rights and court issues. They also held an event focusing on book bans and collected books for local charities.

Community service projects this past year benefited Magdalene House, Storybook Project, Austin Jews and Partners for Refugees, Lifeworks and SAFE Alliance.

NCJW women focus on progressive issues in Texas and on a national level along with social projects. For more information and to get involved in the 2023-2024 year, visit or contact For national level information, visit

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