Kindness Takes Center Stage at SXSW 2024 with Inspiring Meet-Up  | Shalom Austin

Kindness Takes Center Stage at SXSW 2024 with Inspiring Meet-Up 

The Jewish Outlook

Mar 14, 2024

At SXSW 2024 on March 13, attendees were treated to a heartwarming and transformative experience at the Acts of Random Kindness Meet-Up. Credit: Wendy Goodman

By Wendy Goodman

At SXSW 2024 on March 13, attendees were treated to a heartwarming and transformative experience at the Acts of Random Kindness Meet-Up, an event dedicated to spreading compassion, empathy, and goodwill. Drawing inspiration from the Jewish teachings of Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson’s (z”l) ARK (Acts of Random Kindness), participants gathered to celebrate the power of kindness in fostering connection, community, and positive change.  

Hosted by Mordechai and Chana Lightstone of Tech Tribe, the Acts of Random Kindness Meet-Up offered a platform for sharing personal stories, insights, and actionable strategies for promoting kindness in both personal and professional spheres. 

Over 50 attendees gathered in a large circle while everyone shared the ways they spread kindness in their life. Then the participants assembled into smaller groups to engage in thought-provoking discussions about spreading kindness. 

The Lightstones have been hosting this meet-up at SXSW for three years. “I felt that in the time between 2019, the last time we’d gone, and 2022 when we resumed, societies relation with technology had changed. As a society we needed to actively imbue what we create with a sense of purpose and foundation of kindness and reciprocity,” said the Lightstones. 

Over the past three years, the Lightstones have seen a growing need for this topic. The Lightstones said, “The numbers have definitely grown. And the sense of how important it is – how much as a society we need to have this conversation has become critical. My goal [is] to inspire people – to encourage them to view kindness not just as a nice end game – create something and then get involved with kindness and giving, but to understand it as the foundation of what they do.” 

The Act of Random Kindness Meet-Up served as a catalyst for meaningful connections and partnerships, as attendees networked with like-minded individuals and organizations committed to making a difference. From grassroots initiatives to corporate social responsibility programs, participants exchanged ideas and best practices for advancing the culture of kindness across diverse sectors and industries. 

As the meet-up concluded, attendees left inspired and energized, equipped with practical tools and a renewed sense of purpose to infuse kindness into their daily lives and endeavors. The event’s resounding success underscored the universal appeal of kindness as a unifying force for positive social change, reaffirming its importance in shaping a more compassionate and empathetic world. 

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