Finding Strength Together: Israeli Scouts in Austin Celebrate Growth and Community        | Shalom Austin

Finding Strength Together: Israeli Scouts in Austin Celebrate Growth and Community       

The Jewish Outlook

Jun 25, 2024

Israeli Scouts Counselors. Courtesy: Gili Meidan

By Devorah Fuchs

The Israeli Scouts (Tzofim) in Austin are wrapping up a remarkable first year. They’ve not only established a strong presence but also fostered a vital sense of community and unity. Starting with a few passionate parents in 2022, they’ve grown into a thriving unit of 140 enthusiastic scouts, guided by a team of dedicated high school counselors.

Dali Litinski and Yaron Kovatch, who lead the Austin chapter, said while beaming with pride, “The scouts’ enthusiasm and the warm welcome from Austin’s Jewish community are key to our success.”

Every Sunday, they gather at the Dell JCC for fun activities and lessons about Israel and Jewish identity. Their impact, however, extends beyond their meetings. Throughout the year, the Tzofim organized events for the entire Jewish community, hosting holiday celebrations and engaging the younger generation. One of these events was the Purim Carnival at the Dell JCC, a collaborative event with the Israeli American Council (IAC), where the Scouts demonstrated their commitment to community service by managing several children’s activity stations and operating an impressive baked goods sales booth. All proceeds were directed towards preparing Passover food baskets for underprivileged members of the Jewish community, a beautiful Shalom Austin Jewish Family Service project.

Recently, they have partnered with Shalom Austin to organize the beautiful Yom Hazikaron Community Ceremony and Yom HaAtzmaut celebration, assuming significant roles on stage and behind the scenes, showcasing their dedication and leadership.

“The Scouts feel like family,” shared one of the young counselors. “We come here to feel a sense of community, connect with each other, and with our Jewish and Israeli identity.”

Parents and community members have witnessed the remarkable power of the Israeli Scouts. “The unit’s growth and their positive impact are truly inspiring,” remarks a parent. “It’s important now more than ever to cultivate a strong and united younger Jewish generation here in Austin, and we are proud that we and our children have the opportunity to be part of something so meaningful.”

Especially in these challenging times, they find comfort and strength in the community. The Tzofim play a valuable role in bringing people together and raising the next generation of strong young Jews leaders in Austin, Texas. They do this working together with the strong network of local Jewish organizations and are proud to be part of this vibrant and supportive community.

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