Israel Bonds’ Steve Landis Retires After 18 Years of Dedicated Service  | Shalom Austin

Israel Bonds’ Steve Landis Retires After 18 Years of Dedicated Service 

The Jewish Outlook

Jun 26, 2024

Israel Bonds Houston Representative Steve Landis standing proudly in front of an Israel Bonds banner. Courtesy: Israel Bonds

After 18 years of dedicated service, Israel Bonds Houston Registered Sales Representative Steve Landis is set to retire. Reflecting on his tenure, Steve Landis says, “It has been an honor to contribute to the strength of Israel’s economy. I’ve had the privilege of helping individuals, businesses, foundations and banks invest in Israel, ensuring its economy remains robust. Eighteen years feels like the perfect milestone to close this chapter.”  


Landis’s career in sales spans New York, New Jersey and Texas. The story of how he joined Israel Bonds is serendipitous. In his search for a meaningful job, Landis stumbled upon an ad in the Houston Chronicle classifieds—a mix-up, as the ad was meant for the Jewish Herald Voice. Had it not been for this mistake, Landis might never have discovered the opportunity that would shape his career. He was hired by Bob Abrams, of blessed memory, who saw potential in Landis from the start.  


Karen Garfield, Israel Bonds Southwest Region Executive Director, highlights Landis’s invaluable contributions to the Houston office. She remarks, “Steve has been an incredible part of our team; he is always ready to assist and does whatever is needed to represent Israel Bonds in the region.”  


Throughout his career, Landis has traveled extensively across Texas and New Mexico, fostering new relationships and partnerships. His efforts have significantly promoted investments in Israel. Landis will be deeply missed, and his absence will be felt throughout the Houston office of Israel Bonds. 

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