Shalom Austin’s Meaningful Month of May Holds Even More Meaning This Year   | Shalom Austin

Shalom Austin’s Meaningful Month of May Holds Even More Meaning This Year  

The Jewish Outlook

Jun 28, 2024

Community members dance and enjoy musical performance by the Dayan Family at Yom HaAtzmaut celebration at the Dell JCC on May 19, 2024. Credit: Rebecca Golden

By Alachua Haskins 

The Jewish people are held by their calendar. They celebrate together, mourn together, and move through life cycle events as a community. This is highlighted beautifully in the spring during the period that is affectionately referred to as “The Yoms”: Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day), Yom HaZikaron (Israel’s Memorial Day) and Yom HaAtzmaut (Israel’s Independence Day). This was a year when the Jewish community needed each other more than ever, and the Austin Jewish community was there for one another through three beautiful experiences. 

The Yoms began with a special Holocaust Remembrance Event on May 5, 2024, organized and produced by community member Phil Klein and supported by the Greater Austin Holocaust Education and Remembrance Fund at the Shalom Austin Jewish Foundation. Over 500 community members gathered to hear moving speakers, experience inspiring video montages, listen to poignant vocal performances and participate in a special candle lighting ceremony. This event paid tribute to the millions of lives lost in the Holocaust. 

One week later on May 12, 2024, the Israeli and American communities came together like never before in Austin to stand together and remember the lives lost in the struggle that led to the establishment of the State of Israel, all military personnel who were killed while in active duty in Israel’s armed forces and all victims of terror attacks. This year, the commemoration of Yom HaZikaron was amplified by the horrific events of October 7, and the participants stood together as one community – over 500 Israelis, Jewish Americans and non-Jewish allies – to hold one another and bow heads in remembrance. Participants were also honored to be joined by Israeli soldiers from Soldiers in Uniform who gave their testimony as eyewitnesses to the atrocities of the current war.  

At the end of the program, these remarks were shared: “We forever hold the memory of the victims in our hearts, we continue to pray for the hostages still in captivity, and we continue to pray for peace.” 

The Yoms concluded with a celebration of Israel’s 76th birthday on May 19, 2024. Through this celebration, the community was able to bring more than 1,000 people together for a musical performance by the Dayan Family from Shalom Austin’s partnership region of the Western Galilee, food, art, activities and joy that brought a smile to faces of all ages from birth to bubbie. It was a beautiful way to end this calendar stretch.  

The Meaningful Month of May was truly that – meaningful. Shalom Austin is grateful to its many partners who joined to make it a reality. The community looks forward to coming together for these commemorations and celebrations again next year. 

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