Krasoff Jewish Family Service Building Opens Soon

The Jewish Outlook

Jul 15, 2024

By Rabbi Amy B. Cohen

Shalom Austin Jewish Family Service is thrilled to be opening their central office later this summer on the Dell Jewish Community Campus. The beautiful new building will house over fifteen staff members including counselors, case managers, the Disability and Inclusion program, the Inspired Aging team and administrators.

Since the 1990’s and early 2000’s, when Shalom Austin and its partner organizations moved onto the current campus, many in the community believed that JFS should remain off campus, in order to protect clients’ confidentiality. For previous generations, therapy and accessing mental health care were stigmatized. Today, mental health care is essential for overall well-being and, since the COVID-19 pandemic, mental health care needs have skyrocketed. JFS continues to explore multiple ways to respond to these needs.

For the past 25 years, JFS has grown and expanded, and staff no longer fit in the original Saad Offices on Jollyville Road. JFS staff can be found on campus leading classes, facilitating groups, in coffee shops and clients’ homes for consultations as well as offering virtual sessions remotely.

JFS serves as an accessible and community-based social services provider, supporting individuals and families of all faiths and backgrounds for whom social services, mental healthcare, case management, and community engagement opportunities are otherwise difficult to access.

Since the new Shalom Austin offices opened in 2024, JFS staff frequently work from there, but they are thrilled to finally have a home of their own on campus and to be able to provide greater accessibility to all JFS services.

During the past three years, JFS has intentionally grown its services, widening its doors for community members to access programs and resources that help them maintain wellness and dignity across the lifespan. In addition to the mental health services, JFS provides wraparound case management, access to basic needs (food, transportation and shelter assistance), a nurse patient advocacy program and other resources that address the acute and long-term needs of each client.     

When the new building opens, the community will be invited to tour the new building and learn more about what JFS offers to the community. The Saad Offices on Jollyville Road will remain operational, and visiting both offices will remain by tour or appointment only. 

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