Esther the Clever Queen: A Retelling for the 21st Century    | Shalom Austin

Esther the Clever Queen: A Retelling for the 21st Century   

The Jewish Outlook

Aug 28, 2024

Trinidad Agosto will be King Ahasuerus. Courtesy: GSA 

Queen Esther will be performed by Amy Selby. Courtesy: GSA 

Austinite Ira R. Forman. Courtesy: Ira R. Forman 

By Diane Radin 


Many have read the whole megillah and watched a Purim spiel or two. What more is there to possibly learn about Queen Esther?  

Enter Ira R. Forman, who has re-imagined the beloved story of Esther with a fresh perspective inspired by Voltaire’s famous quote: “Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.” The result is a romantic comedy for a 21st-century audience, set to the enchanting music of Sir Arthur Sullivan of Gilbert & Sullivan fame.  

The play is showing at the Gloria & Harvey Evans Performance Center at the Dell Jewish Community Center at 3:00 p.m. on Sunday, September 15, 2024. Witness Haman and his cunning wife devise a diabolical disinformation campaign against the Jews, while singing, “The truth and facts, they just don’t matter.” Fueled by this disinformation, Haman persuades the King to approve an annihilation edict. To save her people, Esther must confront Haman directly. The showdown occurs at a dinner where Esther lures Haman into a debate about policy. Her incisive arguments win the favor of the King, leading to Haman’s downfall and the deliverance of the Jews.   

This two-act show includes twenty-one songs cleverly adapted by Forman from the works of Gilbert & Sullivan. Produced by Gilbert & Sullivan Austin, the cast includes performers who have been delighting GSA audiences for years. They are up to the challenge of learning new lyrics to old favorites. Accompanying them is another GSA regular, pianist Jeanne Sasaki, with Jeffrey Jones-Ragona conducting as music director. Janette Jones and Christi Moore are directing. Bill Hatcher is production manager.  

Forman has granted GSA the opportunity to present his show in a “workshop” version, which means minimal sets and costumes. More importantly, it allows the audience to provide feedback to Forman as he works toward a full-scale production.  

To learn more, visit Prices are $25 for adults and $10 for children under 18. Seating is limited. Tickets may also be available at the door, subject to availability.  

This is a unique and modern retelling of a classic story, brought to life through the timeless music of Gilbert & Sullivan. 

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