The Israeli Tzofim Friendship Caravan Visits JCamps   | Shalom Austin

The Israeli Tzofim Friendship Caravan Visits JCamps  

The Jewish Outlook

Aug 28, 2024

The Israeli Tzofim Friendship Caravan visits JCamps. Credit: A.D. Schmidt

By Jessica Ochs 

The Israeli Tzofim Friendship Caravan came back to Austin, Texas this summer. The Austin community was so excited to welcome this group of Israeli teens for an extended stay in June. Having Israeli Scouts traveling and performing for communities across the country is more important than ever. Together, both Israeli and North American communities had the opportunity to deepen their knowledge about each other, experience shared adventures, make new memories, and hear about each other’s experiences, thoughts and feelings following the events in Israel. The teens got to spend a whole weekend here and were shown around the amazing city by generous host families.  

Through music, dance and performance, the Tzofim Friendship Carvan brought a taste of Israel to Austin. Over 150 people joined the JCamps team in the Jennifer & David Kaufman Family Living Room at the Dell JCC for a powerful, fun and moving performance on Sunday, June 27. The magic continued the next day, with an intergenerational crowd to watch the performance in the Epstein Family Community Hall at the Dell JCC. Campers, staff, and the Inspired Aging crew all sang and danced along with the Tzofim Friendship Caravan. Fun was had by all! This year, the focus was on what brings people together, on shared values and the spirit of Am Israel Chai.  

Everyone is already looking forward to their visit next summer.  

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