Thank you for advertising in our publications! Your support and involvement make the work we do and our publications possible. Please see our advertising guidelines below. For questions, please contact Shalom Austin Corporate Partnership Director Shana Creeger.
Space reservations for ad placement must be made directly with the corporate partnership director by the 10th of the month preceding publication. The Jewish Outlook is published in March, July, September and December. Jewish Austin magazine, which includes REACH and Simcha Austin, is published in September.
All ad PDFs are due by the 15th of the month preceding publication. Should the 10th or 15th of the month fall on a weekend or holiday, deadlines move back to the Friday or last business day before the weekend or holiday.
Please refer to Special Advertising Sections for special section deadlines. Advertising inserts must be delivered 10 business days prior to publication date.
PDF Requirements
Ads must meet size requirements on the rate sheet.
Borders are required, except bleed ads.
Do not include margins, crop marks or registration marks. Turn off color management.
Ads should be submitted by email as a PDF (at 300 dpi, with all fonts embedded).
All color ads and artwork must be submitted as CMYK (not RGB). All black-and-white ads must be submitted as grayscale.
All ads and insertions are subject to publisher approval.
Do not use text or color type under 10 points.
Our printer’s press has a 30% dot gain.
Political Ad Policy
At this time, The Jewish Outlook is not accepting political advertisements.
Additional Information
You may elect to choose more than one size for a given number of months at the discounted rate.
Nonprofit rates are 25% off of non-contract rates. Nonprofit rates donot apply for special ad positions.
Cost for inserts (based on over 8,000) is $300 for insertion only. We can also print your insert. Consult with Shana Creeger at These prices are subject to change.
The Jewish Outlook reserves the right to refuse advertising that could be perceived as inappropriate for its readers.
Ads that are incorrectly provided in dimensions other than what was reserved are subject to ad design charges for resizing.
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