Shalom Austin’s Affinity Groups offer an array of social, professional, educational and philanthropic engagement based on your interests. Make connections and create a deeper sense of belonging in the Austin community. 

Affinity Groups

Descendants of Holocaust Survivors in Central Texas

We are a group of children (2nd Generation) and grandchildren (3rd Generation) of Holocaust survivors, as well as survivors themselves, living in Austin and Central Texas. We offer a forum for sharing related information and events, as well as a place to share thoughts, feelings, and ideas around our Holocaust legacy. Our goal is to honor our parents and grandparents and ensure that what they experienced will not be forgotten.

Contact Iris Bartov for more information:

Jewish Austin Men (JAMen)

Ausitn’s premier event series featuring delicious dinners over TED-style talks with world-class speakers.

More Shalom Austin Groups

Parent Dad Baby Book Reading Story

Shalom Families

Shalom Families facilitates and supports social events for parents in Austin.

Young Adult Division (YAD)

Austin’s networking hub for Jewish professionals in their 20s and 30s. 

Womens Philanthropy fundraising and social event at Neiman Marcus

Women’s Philanthropy

Committed to ensuring a thriving Jewish future in Austin, Israel and around the world.

Alachua Haskins

Alachua Haskins

Learning and Engagement Director