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Ballet Austin Academy
Ballet Austin @ the J

Ballet Austin @ the J, a partnership between Shalom Austin and Ballet Austin, offers youth ballet classes at the Dell JCC.

This instructional dance program for children ages 15 months to 10 years old, provides a variety of classes for students in a positive, nurturing environment.

Click here for Ballet Austin Academy policies and procedures.

Ballet Austin Creative Movement Group 2017

Enrollment 2024/25

Classes for new and returning Academy students ages 15 months to 7 years are open for enrollment for the summer at the Dell JCC. Students are encouraged to enroll according to their age on June 1, 2024

    For more information, email


    Young Children’s Division

    Ages 15 months – 5 years

    This program introduces children to the joy of dance through imaginative stories, music and games, while providing developmentally focused movement experiences.

    Dance with Me (ages 15 months to 2 years)
    Next Steps (age 2)
    Creative Dance (ages 3 & 4)
    Creative Ballet (age 5)


    AGES 6-7

    This program is a prelude to formal ballet instruction and introduces children to music and movement through a structured progression that emphasizes creativity and group interaction.

    Pre-Ballet (ages 6-7 years)

    Elementary Division

    AGES 8-10

    Formal ballet training begins in the Elementary Division, a rigorous and comprehensive program of the highest caliber. The Elementary Division syllabus progresses at a rate that allows the student to learn exercises correctly and with full physicality. Repetition and slow careful work is emphasized, so students can learn discipline and control of their bodies.

    Elementary (ages 8-10 years)


    All classes meet once a week for 45 minutes. Students are placed according to their age as of June 1, 2024 for summer
    and September 1, 2024 for fall/spring.

    Dance With Me

    (Ages 15 months to 2 years)

    Dance With Me is a wonderful bonding and explorative experience for young dancers and their parents or caregiver. In this sensory-rich movement experience, dancers are engaged with stories, dance games, rhythm, and songs all the while learning how their bodies can move through space.

    Next Steps

    (Age 2)

    Next Steps is the perfect transition for young children who are becoming more independent. From the comfort and safety of parents or caregivers still participating in the fun, students continue learning in a sensory-rich movement experience with stories, dance games, rhythm and songs. As the year progresses, students are guided towards independence as they step away from the comfort of their caregiver. By the end of the year, we hope these dancers are ready to take on Creative Dance with confidence!

    Creative Dance

    (Ages 3 & 4)

    Creative Dance builds on the fundamentals introduced in Dance With Me and Next Steps. The syllabus is designed to gently introduce young dancers to a structured and safe classroom environment, while instilling the physical and emotional confidence to explore and create. Classes are narrative in nature as dancers are led through a series of movement stories and ballet-based activities that appeal to all. Social skills are also developed through collaborative and cooperative games. Over the course of each year, activities become more challenging as dancers gain confidence in their coordination and skills.

    Creative Ballet

    (Ages 5)

    Creative Ballet is a perfect balance of ballet basics and creative dance. Dancers are developing their technique, gaining body awareness, and refining basic skills, while still having imaginative and creative movement experiences. They are taking a more active role in their own learning, acquiring the tools to collaborate, choreograph, and exchange ideas with their peers. Dancers advance through Creative Ballet ready to step into the Pre-Ballet Division.


    Pre-Ballet – The curriculum of the Pre-Ballet Division is designed to be a bridge between the content and feel of the Young Children’s Division and the more traditional classical ballet format of the Elementary Division. We introduce more ballet components as we progress from 6 to 7-year-old classes and gently prepare students for Level 1 when they begin the progressive syllabus of the Elementary Division.


    Formal ballet training begins in the Elementary Division, a rigorous and comprehensive program of the highest caliber.

    The Elementary Division syllabus progresses at a rate that allows the student to learn exercises correctly and with full physicality. Repetition and slow careful work is emphasized, so students can learn discipline and control of their bodies.

    Elementary Division students are required to attend all scheduled classes for their level. Students progress to the next level once they master the material and physical understanding of the syllabus in their current level of study. Students will receive a written progress report at the end of each School Year.

    Academy Uniform Requirements

    The Academy uniform is an integral part of the Ballet Austin Academy experience. The uniform indicates they are in a special learning environment and allows the teacher to clearly see the student’s body, facilitating corrections on proper alignment and correct positions. For the safety of our students, we ask that a cover up be worn over ballet attire when traveling to and from the studios. It is imperative that students arrive dressed and ready for class, as the dressing rooms will not be available during this time.

    Ballet Austin @ the J

    Ballet Austin @ the J is a partnership between Shalom Austin and Ballet Austin that offers Ballet Austin’s youth ballet classes, dance workshops for adults, as well as Reformer Pilates at the Dell JCC. Dance classes and workshops are held in the Ballet Austin Dance Studio at the Dell JCC, and Reformer Pilates sessions are held in the new Ballet Austin Pilates Reformer STUDIO at the Dell JCC. JCC member rates are available.

    Siobhan O’Donnell

    Siobhan O’Donnell

    Ballet Austin Registrar

    Jessica O'Brien

    Jessica O'Brien

    Ballet Austin Academy Administrator