Do you have a story idea or an article you would like to be considered for the The Jewish Outlook or Jewish Community Blog? The Jewish Outlook welcomes story pitches and fully-written third-person articles. Submission consideration is at the discretion of The Jewish Outlook editorial team. Before submitting your story or story idea for consideration, please follow these tips and guidelines below. Thank you.
We regret that we are unable to personally respond to everyone, but we do read all submissions.
All submissions for the following month’s newspaper must be submitted no later than the 8th of the month. If the 8th should fall on the weekend or holiday, deadlines move back to the Friday or last business day before the weekend or holiday. The Jewish Outlook is published in March, July, September and December.
Submissions for the Jewish Community Blog will be considered for posting within two weeks of receiving the submission.
Submit stories, Mazel Tovs and photographs to
Story Format
All submissions for consideration should follow the basic “inverted pyramid” format – consisting of a lead sentence that includes who, what, when, where, why and how. More information on the inverted pyramid style can be found here.
All submissions for consideration should report a piece of news objectively and written in third-person. We do not publish opinion pieces, thought pieces or political commentaries.
All submissions accepted for publication are subject to editing for length, accuracy, clarity and conformity to The Jewish Outlook.
Associated Press (AP) Style
Basic punctuation and grammar for all submissions should follow the AP Style handbook. Holidays and Hebrew words will be stylized by the editor (so don’t worry too much about it).
Stories should be written in third-person narrative (he, she, it, they) and not first-person (we, I) or second-person (you).
Stories must be factual; no opinion pieces will be published.
Include the author’s first and last name who wrote the article or submission.
Organizational event dates and times should be submitted in full. Event dates submitted without all information included (who, what, when, where, (why and how are optional) will not be printed.
Photos that accompany all submissions should arrive with an informative caption. Names included in the caption should be full, with correctly spelled names identifying the subjects left to right.
If there is a photo credit needed, that information must also be submitted.
Images should be provided in JPG or TIF format at a minimum of 200 dpi.
Additional Guidelines
We are unable to accommodate placement requests.
We do not pay for submissions.
We do not publish opinion articles.
We regret that we are unable to personally respond to everyone, but we do read all submissions.
Articles that promote a business, product or service are considered advertorials and will be directed to corporate partnerships and advertising at
Wendy Goodman
Senior Marketing & Communications Director
O (512) 735-8030
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