AJBN Continues Monthly Meetings | Shalom Austin

AJBN Continues Monthly Meetings

Community Events, Community News, The Jewish Outlook

Mar 4, 2021

The Austin Jewish Business Network is Austin’s oldest Jewish business networking group, formed in 1988.

AJBN is the key to cultivating referrals, business relationships, contacts, knowledge, employees, clients, jobs, friends, special offers and more.

All Jews, those partnered with Jews and/or members of the JCC, are welcome, including people in all fields, professions, those hiring, and those are looking for work, people providing services, entrepreneurs, those who work for others, those new in town or who have been living here, those interested in meeting new people. There is no cost to join or attend.

AJBN encourages community members to share ideas, wins, requests, encouragement, opportunities and connections and to invite friends to join.

AJBN’s monthly meetings are currently held via Zoom on the third Wednesday of each month from 7-8:30 p.m. There are opportunities to meet each other, promote businesses, job openings and employment needs. Additionally, AJBN features timely speakers.

For full details, sign up today at facebook.com/groups/AustinJewishBusinessNetwork or linkedin.com/groups/92799.

For more information or to volunteer to speak, contact Jody Lockshin at  Jody@HabitatHunters.com.

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