Shalom Austin Jewish Family Service Highlights National Recovery Month | Shalom Austin

Shalom Austin Jewish Family Service Highlights National Recovery Month

Community News, Health, Jewish Family Service, Shalom Austin, The Jewish Outlook

Aug 26, 2021

Join Shalom Austin Jewish Family Service (JFS) in celebrating National Recovery Month in September. In the time of COVID-19, the word “recovery” can be tied to many images and feelings. Alongside recovery from the virus, the pandemic has demonstrated our collective need for the pursuit of mental health and substance abuse recovery. Mental health and substance use affect all communities nationwide, and our experience of living in this ongoing state of uncertainty has taken its toll. With commitment and support, we can embark on a journey of improved health and overall wellness. National Recovery Month educates about recovery from the lens of mental health, substance use, and co-occurring disorders. This is also a time to highlight the effectiveness of treatment and recovery support services and remind us that recovery is possible. This year’s theme is “Recovery is for Everyone: Every Person, Every Family, Every Community,” which reminds people in recovery and those who support them, that recovery belongs to all of us.

JFS recognizes that mental health is an integral component of overall health. Mental health and substance use challenges are not one-size-fit all conditions, nor do they affect everyone equally. While it may be tempting to characterize recovery as a universal experience or single journey, there are as many pathways to recovery as there are people. Our strength is our diversity, and the community has unique opportunities to learn, challenge, grow, and dream. Caring for our mental health and wellness is a practice, much like other health habits. It takes time to develop awareness, effective coping, and self-compassion. Each of us must begin the road to recovery by putting one foot in front of the other, one day after another.

JFS is hosting two virtual events to celebrate National Recovery Month and provide different opportunities to learn and grow. On September 2, JFS is kicking off National Recovery Month with a panel discussion highlighting Jewish individuals with personal and professional connections to addiction and recovery. This Zoom webinar will offer attendees a chance to ask questions and learn more about recovery from many perspectives. On September 19, join us on Zoom for a powerful session of Yoga of 12 Step Recovery (Y12SR). Y12SR combines the practical tools of the 12-step program with the ancient wisdom of yoga. Both events are open to everyone whose lives are touched by recovery and addiction.

The pandemic has compelled us to prioritize our health and the public health. When we connect with open minds and hearts, even virtually or at a distance, we learn from one another and create life-saving opportunities. JFS is committed to reducing the stigma related to recovery from the challenges of substance abuse and mental health, especially in a time when our need for it is critical. Every person has experienced peaks and valleys during this pandemic, both big and small. And, with strength, support, and hope from the people we love, we are resilient.

Written by Emma Howitt, LPC-S, LCDC, Shalom Austin Jewish Family Service Clinical Director.

To learn more or to connect with JFS staff, visit

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