Women's Philanthropy Featured Members | Shalom Austin



Get to know the women of Women’s Philanthropy as they share their personality, passion and purpose for being involved and connected to our wonderful community. Throughout the year, different women are highlighted as active participants of Women’s Philanthropy who make a difference every day in their own way for Jewish Austin.


Kim Schocket

Interviewed by Frances Meltzer


Shalom Austin Women's Philanthropy Featured Member - Kim Shocket, interviewed by Frances Meltzer.

Frances Meltzer: How long have you been in Austin?
Kim Schocket: I lived in Austin in the mid to late 90s while attending undergrad at UT. I never anticipated moving back, but it’s funny how life works and sometimes you end up back where you started. I lived several places after college – Aspen, Dallas, Tampa, and San Diego – but eventually moved to Austin at the start of 2007 with my husband and 10 week old son, Jack. He’s almost 18 now which is so hard to believe!

FM: What is your favorite activity to do in Austin?
KS: We are a watersport family, so I love a day spent on Lake Austin with family and friends. Even better if it’s followed up with good Tex-Mex and a spicy margarita outdoors at one of our fun Austin restaurants. 

FM:How did you get involved in Women’s Philanthropy?
KS: Soon after moving to Austin, I was invited by Jennifer Greenblum to sit at her table for Book Lovers Lunch being held at the JCC. We have a family connection, and she was so sweet to reach out to me. I really attribute my involvement to that lunch. Everyone was so welcoming, and I met many women who would go on to become mentors and dear friends. Back in the day, we would kick off Mosaic at Book Lovers, announce Woman of Valor, and get recruitment started. They asked for people to sign up to be a Table Captain for Mosaic, so I did. I filled my table for Mosaic with friends in my neighborhood and preschool. Little did I know that I was signing up for almost two decades of volunteer work with our Jewish community. 

FM: What is your favorite part of being involved with Women’s Philanthropy?
KS: My favorite part of being involved is definitely the people. Each relationship I’ve made through my work with WP has enriched my life. I enjoy welcoming new people to Austin, learning about their journeys, and connecting them with friends and roles that match their passions. Each new person we engage brings a different perspective and fresh ideas which helps us continue to grow. I’m so proud of all we’ve accomplished through WP and Shalom Austin over the last 18 years.  

FM: Can you explain a little about your National Women’s Philanthropy Role? How do you see the NWP experiences being infused into Austin’s WP?
KS: Sure! National Women’s Philanthropy is a board comprised of about 160 women leaders from federations across North America. Board members are nominated by their communities, then selected through a competitive process to serve an 8 year term. I am in my second year on the NWP Board and just returned from our Board Leadership Mission to London. There is a board retreat each year where we come together to learn from Jewish professionals and lay leaders about what’s happening in North America and around the world. We hear about new JFNA initiatives, take on additional leadership roles, and more than anything make connections with like-minded women in communities across the country. NWP cultivates the exchanging of ideas, programs, speakers, and more, which we can bring back to Austin and tweak to make our own. It’s so helpful to hear from other communities about what’s worked well and what hasn’t as we continually strive to better the Jewish experience in Austin.

FM: What message would you like to share with other women?
KS: Call me! Let’s have coffee, go for a walk, grab lunch, play mahjong or whatever works for you. I am here to help you connect. I promise you will get far more out of your involvement than you ever imagined. Just say YES! 

FM: What’s your favorite Jewish memory?
KS: My favorite Jewish memories typically are from Passover. I grew up with a large extended family in Dallas, and I fondly remember sitting around the kids table with my cousins laughing to tears. When Matt & I moved into our house on Greystone, we hosted our first Passover with 4 generations around our table. At the time I had 3 grandparents still with us; having the 3 of them, both sets of parents, our kids and extended family around our dining room table made for a really special night.

FM: What’s one word that describes our Jewish community?
KS: Inclusive. I truly believe that there is something and someone for everyone in our Jewish community.

FM: I know you’re an avid reader. What are you currently reading and what’s your all time favorite book?
KS: I just finished Woman On Fire by Lisa Barr and eagerly await the arrival of her new book The Goddess of Warsaw. I’m currently reading Uncomfortable Conversations with A Jew by Emmanuel Acho and Noa Tishby. Favorite book of all time is tough, but it’s probably the original Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I remember reading it with my Dad when I was a kid, and I read the same copy to my kids when they were young. “We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams.” 

Shana Creeger

Shana Creeger

Development Director