Personal Trainer Stephen Connally | Shalom Austin


Stephen A. Connally

Strong for Life

Attain whole-body strength with varied weight-lifting and resistance training routines designed to target muscles individually or in groups. By using a systematic approach to training the body, workouts focus on the quality and quantity of movement, bringing you to feeling and looking like the best version of you.

TRAINING TIP: “Slow down and concentrate on the body part that is being trained. Leveraging the mind-to-muscle connection is what makes the difference between going through the motions and understanding how to get stronger.”


• Fitour Certified Personal Trainer
• 1st Place NPC Capitol of Texas Roundup
• 1st Place Ronnie Coleman Classic
• NPC National Bodybuilding Qualifier (Masters/Open Division)
• Specializes in strength training and bodybuilding
• 20+ years experience in personal training


“Pay attention to your body’s range of motion. If you feel limited, weak, or tight somewhere, that’s your body’s way of saying something needs strengthening or stretching.”

Favorite Exercise: Calf Raises

“I can see the results of my effort and I’ve learned to accept the burn.Your core is the most important body part to train.”

Robbin Tran

Robbin Tran

Fitness and Wellness Director